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Racing Kavenz

Our Founder Giacomo Großehagenbrock was testing our new VHP18 during this racing weekend, and it looks like VHP18 is perfect for national racing. Giacomo qualified with P1 and finished the race with P2 in the Hoby Senior category. 
Kavenz Racing in Winterberg
Giacomo Racing the VHP18 for the first time.
Kavenz VHP18
Kavenz VHP18 Downhill Race Ready

Racing 77designz

77designz sponsored riders got the podiums at the German Downhill Cup in Winterberg, congratulations.

  • Aisha Leis - P2 Girls U17/U19
  • Anna Newkirk - P2 Women Elite 
  • Aby Hopie - P3 Women Elite

77designz Athletes on P2 and 3

What else happened in our booth? 

We decided to do some fun activities at our tent where people could win prizes and have a good time. 

77designz Arm Wrestling

During the arm wrestling challenge, we had a lot of people battling each other; we had a few powerful contenders at this event. The rule was simple, beat them all, and win!

Arm Wrestling Dirtmasters
Arm Wrestling was so good.

Kavenz Strongman

It was probably the coolest activity at the festival; every person who made it over 30 seconds was winning a prize and a strongman title.

Kavenz Strongman
People taking on the Strongman Challenge
Even kids could participate to become strongmen; we had a light Naloo pink bike for them to lift. The strongman competition had so much attention; we had around 200 people trying to hold Kavenz bike and become the strongman.
Kids Strongmen Kavenz
Even kids could participate.

We Are One Kill the Rim

Carbon rims from We Are One are incredibly durable, and destroying them is tough. We prepared a wooden beam so people could smash the rim on it. Hitting the rim on the shaft was quite painful for the hands, but we had some people trying to destroy it. Finally, one muscular dude made a few cracks on the rim.

Kavenz Trick-barrow

We brought a wheelbarrow to show people how the high pivot works. It’s straightforward; when you are trying to push them over the obstacle, it’s way easier than pushing; this is how VHP suspension works in a nutshell. We also found a second use for the wheelbarrow; you can use a small jump and try to do tricks with them. It was so much fun. Maybe we should put a Kavenz trick-barrow to our offer soon?
Kavenz Wheel Barrow
The High Pivot Action in a nut shell, push or pull the wheel barrow.
Winterberg Whip Off
The Dirtmasters Crowd

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